1982 WISE Alumni Bulletin Board

Ivan Fong — Since leaving WISE, Ivan attended Stanford Law School, receiving a JD in 1987, Oxford University on a Fulbright Scholarship, receiving a BCL (a post-graduate law degree) in 1988. He then served as a law clerk for Judge Mikva on the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit in 1988-89 and then for Justice O’Connor on the Supreme Court in 1989-90. Next he was an associate and later a partner at the law firm of Covington & Burling in DC where he practiced environmental law, white-collar criminal law, and intellectual property law. In December 1997 he joined the Dept. of Justice where his responsibilities included environmental issues, civil justice issues, and technology-related issues. He reports: “I was lured away from the Department of Justice and Washington, DC last year (2000) to become the chief e-commerce lawyer for General Electric Co. in Fairfield, CT. My family and I have now settled in Connecticut and, though we miss DC and are adjusting to the snow, are having a great time. Any visitors to the area should feel free to call!” (03/01)

Roger Griffith is founder and principle of Griffith Engineering, a mechanical design firm based in Jefferson City, Tennessee, offering full-spectrum engineering support to industrial, commercial, and government clients across multiple markets. (9/05)

Frederick P. Schiffley II — Celeste, Jonathan, and I moved from Jupiter, FL to Chicago, IL in 1997. I was lured away from the “Sunshine State” and Florida Power and Light by ComEd (now known as Exelon), the excitement of a great city like Chicago, the the excellent school systems in northern Illinois. We live in a northwest suburb called Grayslake. Jonathan is now 16 and ready to drive. He will be a Junior starting in the 2003/2004 school year and attends Grayslake Community High School. Celeste is a stay-at-home Mom and is active in Jonathan’s after-school activities. I am a senior nuclear engineer with Exelon Nuclear, the largest nuclear utility in the US. We currently own and operate 10 nuclear plants (17 units) in Illinois, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey. My primary responsibilities are managing our participation in the PWR (pressurized water reactor) and BWR (boiling water reactor)Owner’s Groups. I am currently Vice Chairman of the Westinghouse Owner’s Group (PWR). My job requires that It! I travel approximately 120 days per year. While the travel is tiresome, I enjoy the opportunity to take Celeste and Jonathan on a lot of good vacations, sometime 3-4 weeks a year. I am still waiting to hear from Ivan and Larry. See website. (5/03)

Mary Anne Dixon Wiley has made a complete job and life style change. Her husband Bill and two sons Ross (6) and David (3) have moved to the Wiley Family farm. She reports they currently own/operate a 1200 acre corn/soybean farm and have put their engineering careers on hold.

Calling all 1982 WISE Alumni. Let us know what you’re up to. You can use our on-line update form.

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