How To Apply

The deadline to apply for summer 2025 internships has been extended to 14 February!
The Summer 2025 Program will run June 2 – August 1, 2025

Summer 2025 Application Deadline Extended

*The deadline to apply for Summer 2025 has been extended to 14 February 2025*

Apply Now

 Download IEEE Application Form (.docx)
  Download ASTM Application Form (.docx)

WISE seeks applications from exceptional engineering students who display evidence of leadership skills and have a keen interest in public policy.

Applicants should select a sponsoring society from the list below and fill out their respective societies application form that will include details about submission requirements.

WISE applicants should apply directly to their desired sponsor using the contact information provided below. Send all application materials to your chosen Sponsors.

For questions about the application forms and the application process not covered in the FAQs, please contact the Sponsors designated society coordinator for your sponsoring society.

To qualify for consideration:

  • You MUST BE a citizen or legal permanent resident of the United States. You may not apply for the program if you are not already a permanent resident of the United States.
  • You must be a junior, senior, or entering your final year of undergraduate studies in engineering (or computer science). WISE will also accept applications from engineering grads who are beginning Masters level study in a technology policy-related degree.

PLEASE NOTE: The dates of the WISE program are not flexible. Due to the short nature of the WISE program, students MAY NOT MISS DAYS by arriving in Washington late, leaving early, or taking vacations during the program. You MUST BE present for all nine (9) weeks.

In addition to the eligibility guidelines for participation in the WISE program, each sponsoring society uses its own criteria in determining which students to select from its applicant pool.

Sponsoring Societies & Application Forms
Connecting Engineers & Scientists with Public Policy Since 1980
Washington Internships for Students of Engineering