Volume 23 (2019*)

2019 Faculty-Member-in-Residence – Dr. John Weidner, Department Chair, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina

Kaitlyn Bishay
ASTM – University of Alabama
Springing Forward: Community Resilience in a Country Anticipating Natural Disasters

Bradie Crandall
AIChE – University of South Carolina
Preparing for the Worst: The Case for Solar Geoengineering Research and Oversight

Cameron (Cammie) Hong
AIChE – Bucknell University
Addressing Management Challenges Within the Nuclear Weapons Complex to Streamline Plutonium Disposition

Jillian Johnson
IEEE – Christian Brothers University
Wage Against the Machine: The Wealth and Power Inequality on the Automation of Labor

Joshua Stiff
SAE – University of Missouri-Columbia
Addressing Emissions in the Trucking Industry: Laying the Framework of Alternative Fueling Transportation

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